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CNG digital switch

Code : GNC2

Poduct comment::«Excellent. The best product on the market in CNG switch keys should be taken into account by the CNG houses in installing this key because the one they install is bad and change 2 with this holy remedy (ML)»

CNG digital switch

This product is a revolution for CNG world.
Is a fuel switch for vehicles working at CNG.
The strong feature of this product is measure the pressure of tube in Bars.
With at least 10 more extra function make the best CNG product, the customers recommend one to another mouth to mouth.

Despite having so many functions, it is EASY to use, which is very important.
Built entirely of solid state, which means it has no moving parts or wear. That makes it easier to provide a 2 year warranty.

There are 3 variants with differents functions:
-Green digit switch ( the most economic)
-Red digit switch
-Blue digit switch ( more functions )

Items in the box

-Digital switch
-Main Cable
-12 pages User Manual
-Lock for fixing the switch



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