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Important: SCHlabs has permanently moved its operations from Argentina to Spain. Our new website is: https://www.ludfed.com

Our History

Born in 1990 doing electronic designs under customers request.
Despite this, our main economic activity was the repair of general electronics devices.
We reach up to 480 repairded devices/month for several years taking up to 20 employees.
Close to 2000 year we decide enforce our own designs and proyects to grow up the manufacture.
In the year 2001 we start with international commerce, we do the firs export to Mexico and Spain.
For the year 2008 the electronic production ( own and third party) was our exclusive activity.
In 2011 we start with international e-commerce.
In the 2012 after a big investment we include surface mount SMT to the production, due that the
production was multiplied by 10.
With a lot of pain, in 2023 due to the permanent crisis situation, and lack of inputs that Argentina is experiencing, the company has decided to move to Spain, renew all its products and services

After years of repairs we have a different point of view. Our product are not to use and discard.
The better way to preserve the ecology is not generate trash, for this we do long life devices
without programmed obsolescence, and give support and spare parts for very very long time.