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Multi car sensor and actuator tester

Code : HMP1

Poduct comment::«5 Stars explains better than anything(ehkl3570 (ebay))»

Multi car sensor and actuator tester

The HMP1 born as electronic body throttle tester.
But early grown new functions, until convert it in the most complete tool in the market for sensors and actuators.
At firmware 120.05 you will have 17 testers in one, without loose a friendly usage.
Thanks to the screen you can have a easy read of the sensors data.
With a Heavy Duty manufacture for a long lifetime.

Ohmeter, resistance measurement

The HMP1 comes with an included ohmmeter that can measure between 2 and 60000 ohms.
It does not intend to replace the tester but we consider it a very useful tool.
1) Connect a test cable to the TPS1 input of the device. But do not make contact with anything.

Care: make sure that no more than 5v enter before the test

2) Connect the 12v and wait for the menu to appear on the screen.
3) Press the "+" and "-" buttons until you see writing "Ohm ".


4) Press OK and the measured resistance between the tip and ground will appear on the screen.
The word OPEN means that the probe is not connected or that a resistance greater than what the HMP1 can measure is present.


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