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CNG digital switch

Code : GNC2

Poduct comment::«Does what it promises It is everything I expected. It works very well.(ML)»

CNG digital switch

This product is a revolution for CNG world.
Is a fuel switch for vehicles working at CNG.
The strong feature of this product is measure the pressure of tube in Bars.
With at least 10 more extra function make the best CNG product, the customers recommend one to another mouth to mouth.

Despite having so many functions, it is EASY to use, which is very important.
Built entirely of solid state, which means it has no moving parts or wear. That makes it easier to provide a 2 year warranty.

With green digits

Function by function details

Help in passing gas to carbonated gasoline
When the GAS pass is made to NAFTA, the switch injects EXTRA GAS so that NAFTA reaches the carburetor.
It can be disabled if you do not want to use it.

3 buttons
To avoid confusion and potholes play a trick each button has its function:
If you press naphtha the vehicle works with NAFTA and only naphtha
If you press gas you will use GAS, and only gas (it can only be changed to naphtha if you have enabled the function when the gas runs out)
If it is injection and press AUTO change only.
If carbureted and press OFF there are no fuels.
Clear and simple, without confusion

Dual Carburetor - injection
The same switch serves both for a carbureted car or an injection
Thanks to its microprocessor the switch knows how to behave in each case
Originally come set in injection mode so the installer must follow the instructions in the manual to change it to carbureted. IF IT DOES NOT DO IT, THE VALVE DOES NOT OPEN.

AUTOMATIC mode (injection only)
When the middle button is pressed, the switch will go into automatic mode.
This means that every time you turn on the car, NAFTA will be started.
When it accelerates to more than 2000 RPM, it will automatically switch to gas
Running on gas until you turn off the engine.


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